That was the first comment I received when I announced to an acquaintance that I was moving. She then informed me that Mill Valley is not a good place to live if you are single. Too funny.
I have loved living in San Francisco. It is so beautiful and such a fun place to live. Everything you could possibly need is at your doorstep. It was two blocks from my apartment to frozen yogurt, the local market, the gym, great restaurants... I could run anywhere. But, as the rental market turned in San Francisco I found I could no longer justify my outrageous rent for a 1 bedroom apartment.
Additionally, my office recently relocated further north in Marin County, so I decided to head north -- to an area I have come to adore over the past few years while cycling all over the County.
I knew I was meant to live on Grove Street the second I saw the house. I didn't realize why until I was home visiting my parents a few weeks ago. The house is painted the exact same colors as my parents house.
My apartment is a disaster zone... boxes everywhere. The moving starts this afternoon after work. Wish me luck!
Lady! We need to catch up! So sorry I missed the ironchef party. So much drama that week. Good luck with the move!
Hey chiquita! Welcome to the burbs. Okay, so I'm only a part-time resident of the burbs, but I like it all the same! No need to miss all the comforts of the city...they are all still at your finger tips in Marin. And the people, well, there are some good eggs in Mill Valley. I would stay away from that Jeff character on Ashford Street, though, I hear he's trouble! And just remember, the city is just a 10-minute drive away...
Ah... that Jeff character on Ashford... thanks for the warning. I will watch out for him. ; ) Ha! I love it! We are mere mintues away! I can't wait to catch up! I should have my life back after this weekend.
Rangsiwan... we are LONG overdue! I can't wait for for you to resurface! When's the wedding?
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