Ashli and I are both registered and realized this weekend that we need to start training soon.
We met on Sunday for a quick run - my first run in a month, due to my ridiculous work schedule.
Having recently discovered the beauty of Tennessee Beach, Ashli and I agreed to meet at the trail head for a quick run on the trail. I laughed as we set out and realized that we have the same running shoes.
The run was relatively painless (until the next day when the soreness set in) and I enjoyed catching up with Ashli. Now we need to start back up on the bike...
You know how when you asked me about a ride a few weeks ago and I had no recollection about what a ride was? Well, I think it might be about time that I start remembering a little.. so if you need another buddy, gimme a ring a dig!
Those shoes could use a little bit of mud and some plant stuff stuck on the uppers. Wow is it that time already. Where does all the time go. Sorry to hear about Chris not getting in.
Omigosh I just read that. Rangsiwan forgot what a ride was?! That girl needs an intervention.
Ha ha ha... Rick, I am CRACKING UP. Yes, it is true. I told Rangsiwan that we should meet up for a ride and she's all, "What?" It was SO FUNNY. She does indeed clearly need an intervention. Maybe after the wedding. ; )
Rangswian, I will definately let you know when we head back out. We are thinking Sunday mornings... mixing up the schedule a bit.
Considering the last ride I did was, what? What.. back in JUNE, hello! Yes, maybe I do need an intervention.. but I feel more like I want to run these days than ride =)
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