I then recalled where was I one year a go this week... at home, in a haze, down for the count with my MRSA staph infection. My goodness, I can't believe it's been a year.
One year ago I realized I had fallen in love with the man that gave up countless hours of his time helping me drain the staph-infected wound I could not care for myself.
One year ago I realized what absolutely amazing family and friends I have (not that I didn't realize this long ago).
One year ago I was absolutely devastated thinking that my Ironman CDA adventure was over.
What a year it turned out to be!
When I saw my doctor a few months ago for the first time since the staph infection, he said, "Jennie, it's good to see you alive." I was a bit surprised by the statement and asked what he meant. He then explained to me how sick I had been - far more sick than I had realized at the time. He said I was very lucky.
I am lucky... thank you to all those who are in my life. I am blessed.
Mmm nothing like a stubborn, painful, yucky, staph infection to bring two people together. Sooooo romantic, hahahaha and you are very fortunate, I remember this time last year they were talking about drug resistant staph in the news. Being an athlete must have made a big difference, being stronger, in shape and some tolerance for discomfort and pain.
I was thinking about you and your infection of a year ago last week too, and thinking how very GRATEFUL I am that you are still around! You scared the hell out of me, you know....
And, yes, what a profoundly wonderful year it turned out to be for you, and for all of us. I must say, I applaud your taste in men, too.... 8^
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