Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekend Warrior

Let the games begin.

I am exhausted. The weekend warrior regime has begun, yet again. And, this year I am trying to balance crew with my training.

I am not complaining, as I love it. I feel stronger than I did starting out last year, and that is exciting.

I hadn't been on my bike more than three times during the last six months, yet I was able to pull out a PR on a Nicasio Time Trial this past weekend, even after crew practice. That started out my Ironman France training on the right motivational foot.

Apparently I am going to need every moment of motivation, as everyone keeps telling me how hard Ironman France is. Lovely. Good thing I can blame Chris for this one.


Ashli Reitz said...

If it is any consolation... I'm beat too! I'm so glad we had today off. Here's to a new year and having someone to commiserate with!

Grove Street Journal said...

Ash, I am so sore I can barely walk! Here here!

Jessica said...

Congrats to you on the strong start to your training! At least you know what's ahead of you so I think the ironman training will seem more digestible the second time around! If you need a workout buddy, just let me know...happy to lend an hour or two to the "Jennie Train" on her way to France!

Michele R. Unger said...

The journey to Nice begins, eh? I hope you find France easier than you've been told, but suspect that no matter how it turns out, you'll enjoy the training and the actual Ironman. You amaze me.
