Thursday, May 28, 2009

Over Extended

I knew when I agreed to do an Ironman France that it was not a good idea. I was burnt out, over extended and knew that 2009 was going to be a big year, as my training partner was applying for law school and would be working at least, if not more, than me.

Yet, I still said yes, a decision I have regretted on more than one occasion and with increasing frequency as the race date approaches.

Quite simply stated, I have not trained. I am lucky if I get three or four workouts in a week, including my crew workouts, which really don't add much to triathlon training.

I have no one to blame but myself. I could have said no to many opportunities with family and friends to fit in my training, yet this year I didn't find myself wanting to. I know I will pay for these decisions come race day, but these were the right decisions this year, as time with a particular loved one will be very limited in the coming months and years as he heads off to law school in the fall.

It's difficult for someone who takes pride in giving 100% to move forward with such little preparation, but I remind myself that triathlon is supposed to be fun. So, with an eye towards fun, I set my sights on France. If race day is a disaster, at least I will have amazing travels to follow that will surely soften the blow.

1 comment:

Michele R. Unger said...

Such intelligence in such a beautiful package....I applaud your attitude. And I love you, too.
