Sunday, December 14, 2008


My mother had a camera when we were children that she named "Precious."

I always thought it was funny that she named her camera Precious until I too became the owner of a nice camera. Now I understand why.

Said camera was supposed to be a Christmas gift to myself AFTER Christmas, however, a brilliant young man pointed out that I might want it for our holiday travel, so it came home a bit earlier than planned.

I have a lot to learn, but we have both been having fun learning how to use it.

My favorite photo so far is a photo Chris took of my feet, all warm in my wool socks, while reading in bed.

I have a feeling our holiday travel mates are going to grow tired of being photographed.


Rick Gaston said...

Young man is wise like an old one. Now you'll have great pictures for the 08 holidays!`

Michele R. Unger said...

NICE photo Chris took. The one of the moon ain't bad, either.....said the owner of the original Precious. (Which, by the way, is STILL Precious!)
