I was fortunate to spend most of the weekend with one of my dearest friends, Cheryl, who came up from Orange County to visit. While I have known Cheryl since pre-school, we became kindred spirits in high school and have never looked back.

It was a typical Jennie/Cheryl weekend, which included nonstop chatter about anything and everything, food and shopping. It was a blast, as usual. We don't get to see each other all that often, but every time we get together, it was as if we saw one another only the day before. My dearest friend from college, Jennie, is the same way. In fact, I was able to spend a lovely evening with all my favorite "chosen family" - Jennie, Chris, Cheryl and I had dinner at a wonderful local restaurant, Picco. We ate so much. It was a perfect evening.

This morning, before taking Cheryl back to the airport, we decided to walk down to Tennessee Beach. Typically, early on a Sunday morning there are few out and about on the trail, but this morning was an exception. The Tamalpa Runner's Club had a "Fun Run" scheduled to start about five minutes after we had arrived, which also included a run for little ones.

We made our way through the crowd waiting at the start and headed down towards the beach. We were barely on our way before we were overtaken by some VERY fast runners. Not too long after little ones started BARRELING past us. I had my camera with me as I wanted to take some photos of the beach, so I stopped to take some photos of the little runners. As soon as the young runners realized they were having their picture taken, they would put on their game face and push it into high gear. I was laughing so hard. It's moments like those that the purity of children shines through.
Cheryl and I had a wonderful visit and I look forward to the next one... however, as our shopping trips get expensive, I must save up!
1 comment:
That's awesome, little Tamalpas. We still do that don't we? Look good for the camera at races. I certainly try to put on my best face and form.
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